Furthermore, the petroleum and chemical industry is expected to supply high-tech and conventional strategic materials to national defense industry. 石油和化学工业还肩负着为国防工业提供高技术材料和常规战略物质的重任。
Petroleum is an important energy goods, and become strategic materials more and more, its production and consumption receive the attention of the government all around the world. 石油不仅是重要的能源物资,而且越来越成为战略物资,其生产和消费受世界各国政府的重视。
The biological genetic resources are the important foundation of the research of the biological science. They are the strategic materials for the human existence and the sustainable development of the economy and society. 生物遗传资源是生物科学研究的重要基础,是人类生存和经济社会可持续发展战略性物资。
However, political is always a sensitive and complicated problem when investing abroad, especially for corporations running political goods and strategic materials such as energy sources and mineral products. 然而政治风险一直是跨国经营的一个敏感而又复杂的问题,尤其对于经营能源矿产等政治商品和战略物资的资源型跨国公司而言更是如此。
The grain is the importance strategic materials and the foundation of the national economy, and it is the national safety and the people's livelihood, thus appears as the grain reserves grain deport storage observation and control and the management extremely importantly. 粮食作为我国重要的战略资源,是国民经济的基础,是关系到国计民生的大事,因而作为粮食储备的粮库测控与管理就显得十分重要。
Grain is one kind of important strategic materials for the countrys economic safety. 粮食是保障国家经济安全的重要战略物资,我国政府一直高度重视粮食安全问题。
Generally, the extension of its connotation has gone three stages: the common goods, strategic materials and political products. 概括而言,其内涵的扩展历经了三个阶段:普通商品、战略物资与政治产品。
Since the 20th century, as important strategic materials and main energy, the petroleum has already developed into one of the most important raw materials of modernization, permeates through all respects of national economy and people's lives deeply. 20世纪以来,作为重要的战略物资和主要能源,石油已经发展成为现代化建设最重要的原料之一,深深地渗入了国民经济和人民生活的各个方面。
Research on Reserve Level of Strategic Materials with Risk Under Control 基于风险控制的战略物资动态储备研究
Export Controls trended from Embargo of Strategic materials to restraint of High-Technology Transfer. 从禁运战略物资为主转向限制高新技术转让;
In new century, oil still remains the world "strategic materials", that makes every state compete to adjust its oil space pattern by all kinds of measures, even by fight. 在新的世纪,石油仍然是世界性的战略物资,世界各石油生产国和消费大国,都在调整其石油资源,争夺石油资源的竞争将更加激烈甚至残酷。
Thinking About Construction of Transferring and Reserving Base for Bulk Strategic Materials of Zhejiang Province 对浙江省建设大宗战略物资中转与储备基地的思考
The crude oil is rare and non-renewable resources, and it is very important strategic materials that related to national economy revitalize and national economic security. 原油具有稀缺性和不可再生性,是关系一个国家经济发展和经济安全的重要战略物资。
The iron and steel is not only extremely important functional materials, but also important strategic materials. 钢材是用途极其广泛的功能性材料,是重要的战略物资。
Coal has long served as an important source of energy and strategic materials, which can not be replaced, the demand of national coal with the development of social economy and the increasing steadily. 煤炭长期以来作为我国重要的能源和战略物资,具有不可代替性,全国煤炭的需求量随着社会经济的不断发展而稳步增加。
Oil, natural gas is both an important industrial energy and important strategic materials. 石油、天然气既是重要的工业能源也是重要的战略物资,世界范围内的油气开发已经转向广袤的海洋。
The energy issue has become a strategic issue in the economic development of countries in the world; particularly the resources of oil and gas are an important lifeline of national economy strategic materials. 当今世界能源问题成为各国经济发展中一个战略性问题,尤其是油气资源更是关系国家经济命脉的重要战略物资。
Energy is important material basis of sustainable development of economic society and important strategic materials which matter the national economic lifeline and national security. 能源是支撑人类经济社会可持续发展的重要物质基础,能源问题一直是我国国民经济和社会发展中的热点和难点。
The energy is that the mankind depends on for existence, important material base of national economic development, is the important strategic materials which concern the lifelines of the national economy and security. 能源是人类赖以生存、国民经济发展的重要物质基础,是关系到国民经济命脉和国家安全的重要战略物资。
Natural rubber is a worldwide bulk industrial raw materials which is one of the four major scarce industrial raw materials also including oil, iron ore and coal and is a strategic materials for national defense and national economy. 天然橡胶是一种世界性大宗工业原料,与石油、铁矿石、煤炭并列为四大紧缺型工业原料,是国防和经济发展不可或缺的战略物资。
Natural rubber is an important strategic materials and industrial raw materials, play a very important role in national economic development. 天然橡胶是重要的战略物质和工业原料,在国民经济发展中具有十分重要的地位和作用。
In order to access cheap raw materials from developing countries, the EU introduced the "Raw materials Initiative", which listed the strategic materials critical to its economic development. 欧盟出台《原材料倡议》,积极部署从发展中国家获取廉价原材料,并确定对其经济发展至关重要的战略性原材料名单。
Food is the first and the basic necessity of human life, and at the same time food is very important strategic materials of our country. 民以食为天,粮食是维持人类生存最基本的必需品,同时又是我国重要的战略物资。
Worldwide, people generally reach a consensus that oil is not only a kind of common energy goods, but more should be considered as a kind of important, scarce and non-renewable strategic materials. 在世界范围内,人们普遍达成一种共识,即成品油已经不仅仅是一种普通的能源消费品,而更应被认为是一种重要的、稀缺的及不可再生的战略物资。
This is because oil as strategic materials is inherently scarce, also is the result of speculation. 这一方面是由于石油作为重要战略物资固有的希缺性,另一方面是各种市场力量投机的结果。
Non-ferrous metals play a more and more important role in the progress of human development. They are essential strategic materials in the production activities. 有色金属在人类发展进步中的地位愈来愈显得重要,它是人类生产生活中不可或缺的消费品的重要材料。
Petroleum, like the blood of the industry, is a kind of special commodity widely used, as well as important strategic materials. 石油是工业的血液,是用途广泛的特殊商品,更是一种极其重要的战略物资。
Advanced manufacturing technology represents the developing direction of the manufacturing technology, while the CNC technology is the most important technology in the family of advanced manufacturing technologies and equipments. The CNC technology and equipments are the strategic materials in many developed countries. 先进制造技术代表着制造业领域的发展方向,数控技术则是当今先进制造技术和装备中最核心的技术之一,世界上各发达国家都将数控技术以及数控装备列为国家的战略物资。
Petroleum is a kind of strategic materials. 石油是一种战略物质。
Aluminum alloy is an important basis for strategic materials for national economy basis and national defense construction. 铝合金是国民经济和国防建设的重要基础性战略材料。